

A System For Returning Homework To School

Dr. Sam Goldstein

When homework is completed, children usually are able to access enjoyable activities. Thus it is not surprising that some children view the completion of homework rather than turning the homework in as the end point in the process. It is important to help your child develop the independent habits to return homework to school. This goal can be accomplished by having a specific place in your child’s backpack and in the house that homework is placed each evening. Your child can select one or two places to store the backpack. Baskets or boxes with pictures of the backpack can be placed in these locations. We also suggest a folder for homework and your assistance in making certain the folder stays in your child’s backpack.

It is critical that your child’s teacher checks the folder each day. If returning homework to school is a problem for your child, we suggest you contact the teacher and work out an agreed upon plan, such that each party agrees and understands what the other will be doing to help your child develop more effective skills.

With the increasing use of technology, homework at times can be faxed or emailed to school. The internet may be used to access the teacher’s online files if your school district has such a system in place. This system allows you to check your child’s progress on a weekly basis.

This column is excerpted and condensed from, Seven Steps to Homework Success: A Family Guide for Solving Common Homework Problems by Sydney S. Zentall, Ph.D. and Sam Goldstein, Ph.D. (1999, Specialty Press, Inc.).